Retrieve full transaction

Use this request to retrieve all the information that is associated with a specified transaction.

To retrieve the full record for a transaction, use a GET method and the following URL:



  • {service_url} is the URL of the service's environment.
  • {key} is the Transaction Key for the transaction that you want to unconfirm.


API ReferenceRetrieve full transaction

Query Parameters

private_tokenPrivate token.
keyThe Transaction Key for the specified transaction.

Response Example

The following is an example of a successful response:

    "transaction": {
        "amount": 100.00,
        "payments": [],
        "invoice_address": {
            "freeform_address": "Example address",
            "city": "City"
        "custom_fields": [{
            "key": "child-merchant-footnote",
            "value": "Invoiced by ccpreEU merchant"
        }, {
            "key": "child-merchant-from-email",
            "value": ""
        }, {
            "key": "child-merchant-logo-url",
            "value": ""
        }, {
            "key": "back-to-back-invoice-account-token",
            "value": "public_test_twwee6zs9dEMXFR97FWhFIMb9KVrcoMjH5FQndxiMVE"
        }, {
            "key": "child-merchant-account-id",
            "value": "-199516"
        }, {
            "key": "application-fee-amount",
            "value": "0"
        }, {
            "key": "taxamo-fee-amount",
            "value": "0"
        "key": "TQwH__PROmFCsHxiC-J1Ytr6Ep4U",
        "tax_amount": 0.00,
        "buyer_tax_number": "GB825 44 6718",
        "tax_deducted": true,
        "tax_region": "EU",
        "billing_country_code": "GB",
        "confirm_timestamp": "2017-03-01T12:28:53Z",
        "evidence": {
            "by_ip": {
                "evidence_value": "",
                "used": false,
                "resolved_country_code": "US",
                "evidence_type": "by-ip"
            "by_tax_number": {
                "evidence_value": "GB825 44 6718",
                "used": true,
                "resolved_country_code": "GB",
                "evidence_type": "by-tax-number"
            "by_billing": {
                "evidence_value": "GB",
                "used": true,
                "resolved_country_code": "GB",
                "evidence_type": "by-billing"
        "invoice_place": "Killorglin, Tythers",
        "invoice_number": "test/ccparent/GB2017-115",
        "create_timestamp": "2017-03-01T12:28:52Z",
        "additional_currencies": {
            "invoice": {
                "currency_code": "GBP",
                "fx_rate": 0.853050000000,
                "amount": 85.30,
                "tax_amount": 0.00,
                "total_amount": 85.30
        "tax_country_code": "GB",
        "transaction_lines": [{
            "amount": 50.00,
            "num": null,
            "unit_price": 50.00,
            "tax_amount": 0.00,
            "tax_rate": 0,
            "additional_currencies": {
                "invoice": {
                    "fx_rate": 0.853050000000,
                    "amount": 42.65,
                    "currency_code": "GBP",
                    "total_amount": 42.65,
                    "tax_amount": 0.00
            "line_key": "Hh0M3Fdl_NAXf3mq",
            "custom_id": "1",
            "refunded_tax_amount": 0,
            "tax_name": "European VAT",
            "refunded_total_amount": 30.00,
            "line_num": 1,
            "deducted_tax_amount": 10.00,
            "quantity": 1.000000000000,
            "total_amount": 50.00,
            "deducted_tax_rate": 20
        }, {
            "amount": 50.00,
            "num": null,
            "unit_price": 50.00,
            "tax_amount": 0.00,
            "tax_rate": 0,
            "additional_currencies": {
                "invoice": {
                    "fx_rate": 0.853050000000,
                    "amount": 42.65,
                    "currency_code": "GBP",
                    "total_amount": 42.65,
                    "tax_amount": 0.00
            "line_key": "0hs0l5VBUDnGGgH0",
            "custom_id": "2",
            "refunded_tax_amount": 0,
            "tax_name": "European VAT",
            "refunded_total_amount": 50.00,
            "line_num": 2,
            "deducted_tax_amount": 10.00,
            "quantity": 1.000000000000,
            "total_amount": 50.00,
            "deducted_tax_rate": 20
        "buyer_ip": "",
        "refunded_tax_amount": 0,
        "fully_informative": false,
        "status": "C",
        "kind": "eu-b2b",
        "buyer_tax_number_valid": true,
        "invoice_image_url": "",
        "tax_number_service": "vies",
        "refunded_total_amount": 80.00,
        "update_timestamp": 1488371339009,
        "buyer_name": "PACKT PUBLISHING LIMITED",
        "deducted_tax_amount": 20.00,
        "order_date": "2017-03-01T12:28:52Z",
        "total_amount": 100.00,
        "tax_timezone": "GMT",
        "test": true,
        "sub_account_id": "-199516",
        "refunds": [{
            "refund_reason": "Test 123 any line",
            "informative": null,
            "refund_timestamp": "2017-03-01T12:28:59Z",
            "tax_amount": 0,
            "refund_note_url": "",
            "tax_rate": 0,
            "line_key": "Hh0M3Fdl_NAXf3mq",
            "refund_note_number": 4,
            "total_amount": 10.00
        }, {
            "refund_reason": "Test 123 again",
            "informative": null,
            "refund_timestamp": "2017-03-01T12:28:58Z",
            "tax_amount": 0,
            "refund_note_url": "",
            "tax_rate": 0,
            "line_key": "Hh0M3Fdl_NAXf3mq",
            "refund_note_number": 3,
            "total_amount": 10.00
        }, {
            "refund_reason": "Test 1234",
            "informative": null,
            "refund_timestamp": "2017-03-01T12:28:56Z",
            "tax_amount": 0,
            "refund_note_url": "",
            "tax_rate": 0,
            "line_key": "0hs0l5VBUDnGGgH0",
            "refund_note_number": 2,
            "total_amount": 50.00
        }, {
            "refund_reason": "Test 123",
            "informative": null,
            "refund_timestamp": "2017-03-01T12:28:54Z",
            "tax_amount": 0,
            "refund_note_url": "",
            "tax_rate": 0,
            "line_key": "Hh0M3Fdl_NAXf3mq",
            "refund_note_number": 1,
            "total_amount": 10.00
        "tax_entity_name": "United Kingdom",
        "tax_supported": true,
        "currency_code": "EUR"