Additional Interactions Schema


Type: String

Max: 64

The key that is used to identify the interaction. This field is mandatory.
requestedType: BooleanShould Vertex trigger this interaction (for example request the captcha image) if possible. Note this will increase the request time as we have to reach out to external resources.

Type: String

Max: 256

Captcha riddle key, has to be sent back with the captcha solution.

Type: String

Max: 65536

Captcha image as base64. Used where it is not possible to direct the customer to captcha image URL. To display it in a browser, for example you can prefix it with "data:image/png;base64, " and use this as an image URL.
captcha.solutionType: StringCaptcha solution provided by the human

Type: String

Max: 64

The type of the interaction. For example b2b-captcha.

Type: String

Max: 64

The outcome of the Interaction. For b2b-captch, it will be one of valid, invalid, error, or expired.

Type: String

Max: 1024

A message generated during the interaction. This can be useful for troubleshooting.

Type: String

Max: 2

ISO code for country.
requiredType: BooleanOn validation error, false returns the transaction tax calculation result and a warning (response 200). true will return an error and warning (response 400).

Type: String

Max: 64

Key that represents the interaction. For example india-b2b-captcha.
interaction_prompt_messageType: StringMessage that can be presented in the UI requesting for the interaction.
force_validType: BooleanRegardless of other flags in this interaction, treat the validation as successful. This for example can be used to display the prices without tax in the case of captcha-based B2B validation - when we don't want to show captchas for every tax calculation call.