You use a GET method and the following URL to return a list of the countries:

$ curl '{service_url}/api/v2/dictionaries/countries?tax_supported=true&public_token=public_***********'

where {service_url} is the service's environment URL.

You can use the tax_supported query parameter to filter for countries where tax is or is not supported.


The following fields are returned for countries:

tax_number_country_codeVAT number country code. Required for Greece.
codenumThe 3 digit ISO code.
nameThe name of the country.
code_longThe 3 letter code that represents the country.
ccn3The 3 digit ISO country code.
codeThe 2 letter ISO country code
tax_regionThe code for the tax region. For example EU.
cca2The 2 letter ISO country code.
callingCodeList of phone number calling codes.
cca3The 3 letter ISO country code.
tax_supportedIndicates whether tax is supported for this country or not.

For example:

  "dictionary": [
      "tax_number_country_code": "AT",
      "codenum": "040",
      "name": "Austria",
      "code_long": "AUT",
      "ccn3": "040",
      "code": "AT",
      "cca2": "AT",
      "callingCode": [
      "cca3": "AUT",
      "tax_supported": true
      "tax_number_country_code": "BE",
      "codenum": "056",
      "name": "Belgium",
      "code_long": "BEL",
      "ccn3": "056",
      "code": "BE",
      "cca2": "BE",
      "callingCode": [
      "cca3": "BEL",
      "tax_supported": true
      "tax_number_country_code": "BG",
      "codenum": "100",
      "name": "Bulgaria",
      "code_long": "BGR",
      "ccn3": "100",
      "code": "BG",
      "cca2": "BG",
      "callingCode": [
      "cca3": "BGR",
      "tax_supported": true
      "tax_number_country_code": "HR",
      "codenum": "191",
      "name": "Croatia",
      "code_long": "HRV",
      "ccn3": "191",
      "code": "HR",
      "cca2": "HR",
      "callingCode": [
      "cca3": "HRV",
      "tax_supported": true
      "tax_number_country_code": "CY",
      "codenum": "196",
      "name": "Cyprus",
      "code_long": "CYP",
      "ccn3": "196",
      "code": "CY",
      "cca2": "CY",
      "callingCode": [
      "cca3": "CYP",
      "tax_supported": true
      "tax_number_country_code": "CZ",
      "codenum": "203",
      "name": "Czech Republic",
      "code_long": "CZE",
      "ccn3": "203",
      "code": "CZ",
      "cca2": "CZ",
      "callingCode": [
      "cca3": "CZE",
      "tax_supported": true