B2B Reports

Use the B2B reports to provide information about B2B transactions to the Tax Authorities who require it.

The B2B Report tab is available for the following countries:

  • Turkey
  • India

These countries require that a B2B report is sent to the Tax Authority. The obligation only applies to foreign-based sellers of digital goods. It helps you capture required information like amount, Tax ID and so on.

To access it, open the Dashboard, click INTERNATIONAL VAT/GST and then click India or Turkey. Click the B2B report tab.

Here is an example of what they look like on the UI:


The following restrictions apply:

  • The obligation only applies to foreign-based sellers of digital goods.
  • Refunds are not included in these reports.


The report has the following filters:

Report Periods LengthThe period that the report is generated for. The default value is monthly. You can select from monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly.
Report PeriodChoose a date range for the report.
Report FormatChoose the format. For Turkey, choose Turkey XML. For India, choose India XML.
Exclude transactions with invalid VAT numbersIf selected, transactions that did not have a valid Tax ID are excluded from the report.
Convert amounts to region's settlement currencyIf selected, the report is converted to the settlement currency for the region.


The output is in an XML format that is tailored for the reporting needs of each country. You can also choose more generic CSV and XML options.

The report helps you capture the following information:

Column HeaderDescription
CurrencyThe currency for Indian reports is Indian Rupee. The currency for Turkey is the Turkish Lira.
AmountAs the obligation applies only to foreign-based sellers of digital goods, a reverse charge is applied to all transactions. Therefore no tax is applied and the amount does not include any tax.
Tax Country CodeFor Indian reports, this will be IN. For Turkish reports, this will be TR.
Tax Country NameIndia for Indian transactions. Turkey for Turkish transactions.
Tax NumberThe Tax ID (for example VAT ID) for each transaction.
Tax Number Country CodeIN for Indian transactions. TR for Turkish transactions.
Invoice NumberThe invoice number for each transaction.