Vertex Validator Fields

Learn about the fields that you specify in your requests and the ones returned by the service.

Input Fields

The following table shows the fields that you can specify in the Validate VAT Number request:

tax_numberMandatoryThe Tax ID or number that is to be checked.
country_codeMandatoryThe country where the Tax ID originates.
country_subdivision_codeMandatory for Canada.This is only required for Canada, where it is used to specify the Province such as Quebec.
business_nameMandatory for Canada.This is only required for Canada, where it is used to specify the name of the business who owns the Tax ID.
cache_expiry_timeout_daysOptionalValidation results can be cached. This setting controls how recent the cached result that is returned is. For example, if it is set to 0, the service will validate the ID against the authority's database in real-time. If it is set to 30, the service will use results cached over the last 30 days.
on_errorOptionalControls how the service behaves when an external service returns an error. If you specify proceed, the Tax ID will be marked as invalid. If you specify syntax_check, the ID is marked as valid and the following is returned in the API response: buyer-tax_number-validation-info: "tax_number-syntax-considered-valid-but-not-verified".

Output Fields

The following fields are returned in the request's response:

buyer_tax_number_normalizedReturns a the ID in a standardized format.
buyer_tax_number_validIndicates whether the Tax ID is valid or not.
buyer_tax_number_format_validIndicates whether the syntax is valid.
buyer_tax_number_validation_infoProvides more detailed about the processing.
nameThe name of the owner of the Tax ID. This is not returned for all countries.
addressThe address of the owner of the Tax ID. This is only returned for some countries. This is not returned for all countries.
buyer_tax_number_service_cache_timestampIf a cached value is returned, this field shows the time that the initial request was sent to the external service.
buyer_tax_number_service_cache_usedIndicates that the cache of Tax IDs was used to verify the number.